Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog Post # 10

Morgan Bayda:

   I really agreed with this blog post because I know when I am in a lecture class where all the professor does is talk I find it really hard to stay awake and stay focused.  I find that in smaller classes I am more awake and more in tune as to whats going on in class and I am more likely to participate in discussion or whatever may be going on.  I liked how she talked about blogging and classes similar to EDM because these classes and media's have really helped me in communicating and navigating on the internet.  Without EDM I would have never know all the different tools that are out there to help me in communicating on the internet.  I now know that the internet can really be a helpful thing and knowing how to work it the right way will really help me in the future.

  Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home

   I am really familiar with Tom Johnson's post because he was my first C4T and I really enjoyed reading his blog post.  His post were always so interesting and informative but he always threw in some type of humor and lets be honest we all need humor in some parts when we are trying to read something that is required.  I think his drill and kill test is very interesting and children should be allowed to bring pencils home.

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life

    My sentence is She changed the lives of hundreds of children by teaching them to love learning and be a life long learner thought great enthusiasm for teaching and seeing the lives of children change.

This video really makes you think about the things you have done and accomplished.  I know that I need to start asking myself if I was better today than yesterday because I never really sit down and think about my day and the things I'v done.

Additional Assignment # 3

I really enjoyed watching this video and I find Sir Ken Robinson very entertaining and to the point.  I really liked how he talked about having a degree is not always a guarantee that we will have a job when we finish school because now days your not guarantee anything even if you have a college degree.  I also agreed when he talked about education being designed for a different age because what may have worked in the 60's and 70's may not work in the twenty-first century so education should change as society changes.  The only thing that I really didn't agree with was the fact that he said there are smart people and not smart people because I believe everyone has the capabilities to be smart it's just that some people choose to make bad decisions and they choose not to apply themselves.  I feel that I can address the issue of making education fit into today's world and time and I would fight to have things upgraded and brought to the right century.  I really found the presentation very interesting and I would like to find out how it was done and to make more presentations like this one.  If I were to do something like this I would like to be the narrator and do all of the speaking.  If I couldn't be the narrator I would probably be the idea generator.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Post 9

What I have Learned This year:

I loved reading this blog and thought that he was very insightful and easy to agree with. I know that going into education and becoming a teacher is very scary for me because like him I want to be perfect, which I know will not happen but I can try my best. I feel exactly like he did and I can really see where he was coming from especially when he talked about comprehension and really making sure that your students are learning and retaining what you are teaching.
I think the part about being flexible will really help me in the future because I can really see where he was coming from. I know that a lesson that is written on paper will not be the same lesson that is going to be taught because so many things can happen and kids tend to influence the way your going to be delivering the message and seeing that being flexible worked for him I know it will work for me. If I am flexible my classroom and students will come out better and more prepared.
I read the rest of the blog post and really felt connected to it because it gave some really great advice but the thing that I am going to really take away from it is the part about never stop learning. I feel that being a teacher you should always be a life long learner and it should never stop. Children can teach you so much if your willing to stop and listen. They may have a solution to a problem that you would have never thought of and that can help you later in other classes. I know that no matter what happens I will always be a life long learner.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Short Movie

TimeToast Timeline

Blog Post # 8

Richard Miller:  This is how we dream parts 1 and 2

I really found part one of this video okay and I felt like I knew a lot of what he was saying.  I grew up in a society that uses technology day in and day out.  The classrooms that I have been in since I was in school always had some type of technology.  The older generations did not have the means of using technology like we do and if they wanted some information they had to go to the library and look for it in a book.  They also had to hand write their notes whereas we are able to use our computers to take notes in class and this makes things a lot easier.  I think that technology has greatly helped out our society and will continue to grow day in and day out.

Part 2 of this video covers how technology is used around the world and how they use it to their benefits.  Technology can help someone find out things they didn't know were happening like wale watching and anything about science.  I think that if technology continues to grow like it is people around the world will have a better idea of how others live and work in other societies.

EDM310is Different

This is videos about different things we can do our personal videos on and I really enjoyed watching some of the video's.  We were asked to create a video on anything that we wanted to do and I choose to do a reading of a children's book to teach the alphabet and I really enjoyed doing this.  My favorite video that I watched was the "Chipper Series" I found this so true to college students because I know there are many times that I have waited to the last minute to do a project or do homework.  I only hope that my short movie is as good as the movie that I viewed and  I know that there is some much more I can learn. I also watched EDM 310 for dummies and found this video very entertaining and I actually learned something from this video.  I think any video on EDM 310 is very helpful and can help students to learn what to do.

Critiques of SmartBoards

I did not know that there were so many arguments about the use of smartboards in the classrooms.  I felt like the arguments were valid on both sides.  I have personally used the SmartBoards in some classrooms and in all honesty the kids knew how to use the board better than me.  I loved using the smartboards for many reasons but I guess the number one reason would be that it's interactive and lets the kids work with technology.  The second biggest reason that I like SmartBoards is that they are clean and you don't have to buy markers or chalk or anything to work with the SmartBoard.  I liked the teacher that had a blog set up to help in the use of smartboards and I think this will be very helpful for future teachers like myself.  
   The people who tend to hate the use of smartboards I feel like do not have to training in how to use them and they get frustrated because they don't know how to use them.  Some teachers are set in their ways and don't like change as big as a SmartBoard is and they refuse to learn how to use it because they don't believe in it.  I personally will be happy to use a SmartBoard in my classroom and teacher others how to use it.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Additional Assignment # 2

1.  If learners are motivated I do believe that they can teach themselves to some point.  I know that there have been times where I have had to teach myself and the only reason that I learned what I needed to learn was because I was motivated to learn the material.

2.  I think that if the kids are motivated they can learn and teach themselves some things but I think that they would not learn the correct way without some type of help or assurance.  I work at a daycare with pre-K kids and there are some who are motivated to learn to tie their shoes and if you try to help they tell you that they can do it but sometimes they do need help to remember how to do it.

3.   The conditions that must be met to me are the child or person must want to learn and want to succeed.  Without the want to succeed I feel like a motivated learner won't be able to teach themselves.  They may be motivated to learn the material but not to use that material outside the classroom where it would be needed to succeed.

4.   I feel like all time use on computers hinder some aspects of learning.  There are times where a computer is necessary to help someone learn but there are other times that physical work must be done in order to learn something.  A motivated learner needs both and needs equal time using hard work and computers to succeed.

5.    The question was not clear.

6.   If you have problems or questions they need to be answered by someone who knows the material.  A motivated learner needs to be able to ask questions  if they get stuck on something or stuck on a problem.  If  they don't want to ask questions or solve problems they are not going to succeed.

7.  I motivate someone to learn by being enthusiastic about what I am trying to teach.  If you don't have some kind of energy or excitement about what your teaching the students will pick up on you lack of enthusiasm about the subject and fail.  Be the motivator and be proud of what your trying to teach them so that they can be motivated themselves.

8.    I motivated to learn because I want to succeed in everything that I do.  I want to learn how to be a great teach and learn how to motivate my students.  If I show that I want to succeed my students will want to succeed as well.

9.   I don't think that anyone who is not motivated will learn.  If they don't care about learning then they won't be motivated to succeed.  Both motivation and succession go hand in hand, without one the other won't happen and I truly believe this.

10.   I don't teach myself all the time but there have been some times when I have had to teach myself.  There were some classes in high school that the teacher really didn't teach well and I had to teach myself the material.  I think that internet classes in universities require us to teach ourselves and sometime this works and sometimes it doesn't.  Some classes are easier to teach yourself and then there are those classes that it's almost impossible.

11.   A teacher is almost key in my learning environment and I need that teacher to motivate me.  If a teacher is not willing to teach me or wanting me to learn the material then I don't need that teacher to teach me and at that point I will teach myself.

12.    The most important thing that I learned was that motivation is a major role in teaching ourselves.  Without it what do we have  and why do we need to teach ourselves.

13.  How to motivate should be discussed because some future teachers may not know the correct ways to be a motivator.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog Post # 7

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture: Achieving your childhood dreams

     This video was absolutely amazing and this man has left behind so much and will continue to help others by his lecture.  I was amazed at this young man's trial and tribulations that he had to go through and I didn't know that at the time that this was made he had only a few months of healthy living left in him.  I know how hard it is to work at something while your sick so I just couldn't imagine how hard this was for him.  This will always make you look up to him and what he has left behind.
     I loved the talk about the brick wall and the way he described life and a brick wall.  I almost feel exactly how he felt about wanted something so bad and it seems like there is a brick wall there but the wall is there to keep people out who don't really want that something as bad as you want it.  It amazes me how positive his attitude is and that he can look at things from a totally different perspective.
   I didn't know that in his lecture he wasn't really talking to students and colleagues but in reality he was leaving a message to his three children.  He left so much behind and reminded them how much hard work and perseverance's pays off.  He shared that all the tribulations and trails will help us prepare for what life has in store for us.  I really was moved by this video and would recommend this to anyone willing to watch if because this man is so inspirational.
   I feel that this video will help so many people in their lives and it will leave behind something that his children will always be able to go to.  I only hope that in my life I can work towards having a positive attitude on different things like Mr. Pausch did.


A summary of my Progress with My PLN

I have downloaded and played with Symbaloo and Netvibes.  I really enjoyed learning about these websites and learning how to work with them.  I watched a  7th graders personal learning environment and really learned a lot from it.  I learned that being organized is a major key in developing a PLE or PLN and not only is it important but it's a necessity.  The document on how to develop a PLN is going to be really helpful as I developing my PLN.  I like that I can refer back to this document if I get lost or forget what I am doing.  The development of a PLN is going to be really interesting to me because I have never done it and I look forward to creating it.  The last thing that I am currently working on is developing my Twitter account and I should be done with that by tomorrow.

Summary post for C4T # 2

My Teacher number 2 was a Mr. Langhorst that teaches history in a eighth grade class in Missouri.  He was really interesting and his blog post were all about Mount Vernon and how he teaches it.  I commented on two post that were really similar the first post was all about his visit to Mount Vernon and how he used that trip to connect with his students.  He attended a seminar in which he learned all about George Washing and his business decisions and he also shared how he came up with a lesson plan to tie everything that he had learned together.
   The second blog post I commented on was he described his time in Mount Vernon with pictures.  He said that he took over 900 pictures and was getting up at 5 a.m. to take more pictures.  He shared how he felt that Mount Vernon should remaining just as it is and be keep up to it's original form.  I really enjoyed reading and looking at his blogs and found he talks about Mount Vernon very interesting.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog Post # 6

1.  The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler
     This video was very informative and I enjoyed watching it.  I thought that the connected student was very good and I think that it would help students to navigate the internet.  The connected student will have accessed to many different resources and it helps if you have a constantly absent student you can make that student a connected learner.  If they miss something in class they don't have to worry about falling behind because their project would be on the internet.  I feel that not having a textbook is a great thing because textbooks are what other peoples ideas are not what that particular students idea might be.  I like being a connected teacher and allowing my students to be connected.  They can teach others around the world about a specific topic and others can share their knowledge with that particular student.
     I don't think that right now I am prepared to be a connected teacher.  I feel this way because I am still learning how to use the internet to my benefit.  There is so much out their that can help me and it just takes time to learn how to use it.  I feel that I would have to learn a lot more before I could become a connected teacher.  I want my students to learn by example so if I do not know how to work something or use something I don't want my student to be like that.  I would however like to continue to learn about all of the different resources out there so that when the day comes and I have a connected student or class I am prepared to teach that to my students.  I want to be able to use the internet to my benefit and use all of the resources out there.
     I think that it would be very interesting to see how middle school students would react to this type of learning.  I feel that they would react badly at first but as they learned how to do things they would really enjoy this type of learning.  Some students learn differently and they don't like change but if you throw a computer in they seem to change.  Now days our world revolves around computers and all the things you can do on it, so I think students would react very well to this type of learning.

2.  A seventh grader's personal Learning Environment

     I really liked watching this video on a students PLE because it gave me insight into how a student learns.  Her video was very informative and I learned a lot from it and it was very well put together.  I didn't know that you could do so much with a PLE and now that I do my PLN I have some things to consider putting into my PLN.  I liked all of her use of the different websites and she really used them to her benefit.  I think that the fact the this was done by a seventh grader is amazing.  She was very organized and also very knowledgeable about the different ways to use the internet.  I hope that my PLN is as organized as her PLE was.

3.  The Machine is Changing Us by Michael Wesch

    I liked how honest this guy was and he didn't sugar coat anything.  He said something to the extent of we think that we are all that or the next american idol and then we find out that we are not at all. Once we find out that we are not all that we are shocked so we then turn to the media.    He talks about how we use the media to our benefit we use website such as youtube to truly express our feeling and thoughts.  It is very interesting that we get to know things about complete strangers through such types of media like YouTube.  How many people do you know that has posted a video to YouTube saying something about themselves or what they like.  I know personally several people who have posted numerous videos to YouTube.  I don't think that YouTube is a bad  way to share things with other people around the world.  I think that students can benefit from using YouTube to connect with other students around the world.  I think that as technology grows we lack in personal communication or face to face communication.  Students now days are getting so accustomed to using the internet to connect with others that we are forgetting the face to face ways to communicate.  The use of technology is not a bad thing but I wouldn't want my students to rely soley on that to communicate.