Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Post # 4

1.  Don't teach your kids this stuff. Please by Scott McLeod

     I really liked reading this blog post because it uses and unconventional way to teach how important technology is.  At first I was confused about his intentions but once I kept reading I understood what he was trying to do.  We all know that when our parents or friends tell us not to do something at some point we do it.  We do it out of curiosity.  So by him telling his parents, students, administrators not to read this he knows that at some point they will read it and they will understand what he is trying to do.  I agree in his way of teaching and going about it the way he did.  Scott McLeod is an associate professor of Educational Administration at Iowa State University and the director of the UCEA center for the advanced study of technology leadership in education.  He also is the co-creator of the "Did you Know" videos.

2.      The iSchool Initiative by a high school senior
    I thought this video was okay but I didn't' totally agree with it because I feel that it may affect students differently.  I liked the idea of using the iTouch in the classroom to replace heavy books but I don't think it should replace creativity.  By having everything on this iTouch  like maps I feel that it wouldn't spark creativity and allow students to physical place or color something on a map. Although I disagree with some things that this high school student stated there are somethings that I do like.
    I like that it will give the students resources that may not be available in a hard copy.  I also think that by having this type of technology in the classroom it will motivate students to want to learn how to use technology.  I agree about having certain things in the classroom be on this iSchool initiative but I would modify mine to fit my classroom.  I like the idea of being able to record lectures or lessons because some students may get better grades by hearing what they learned again.

3. The Lost Generation

     When I first watched this video I was confused because it seemed so real and so truthful. When I got to the end I realized that it was being read backwards.  I like this type of learning and it defiantly is an attention getter.  I wanted to keep listening and trying to figure out what was going on.  I feel like it is a wake-up call and will grab your students attention.  The techniques in this video are great they grab your attention and keep which is sometimes hard to do especially for me.

4. Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir

     I really found this interesting and amazing.  People from all over the world are connecting in so many different ways.  The Internet is one of the fastest growing ways that people are connecting and this shows how much we all have in common.  I found that these people never met and never knew each other yet they all knew the words to the song.  The use of Internet in this virtual choir is mind blowing it uses so many different aspects of the Internet and ways you can use technology.  


  1. Brittney,

    Throughout your post, you said that you really liked the different techniques people were using to get your attention. I think this is so important because all students learn differently. You can use some of these techniques in your future classroom to help spark creativity and understanding in your students.

    I also agree with your comments on the iSchool Initiative. I think that some things should be physical, and I know personally that I like to look and feel what I am doing. I do not mind working on a screen, but after a while, I start getting a headache. The iTouch can definitely benefit students, but like you said, I would modify the use of it in my classroom.

  2. I, on the other hand, completely disagree with you and Jamie Lynn. I think the iSchool Initiative is a GREAT idea; however, I do think the iPad would be a much greater classroom tool compared to the iPod Touch.

    How would using an iPod Touch or iPad in the classroom replace creativity? If anything, these tools should open more doors to PROMOTE creativity.

    Other than that, I couldn't agree more with the rest of your post! :)

    I also liked how these educators used different techniques to get their points across. Using "off the wall" methods such as these are great attention-getters and help students become more motivated to learn.
