Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog Post # 10

Morgan Bayda:

   I really agreed with this blog post because I know when I am in a lecture class where all the professor does is talk I find it really hard to stay awake and stay focused.  I find that in smaller classes I am more awake and more in tune as to whats going on in class and I am more likely to participate in discussion or whatever may be going on.  I liked how she talked about blogging and classes similar to EDM because these classes and media's have really helped me in communicating and navigating on the internet.  Without EDM I would have never know all the different tools that are out there to help me in communicating on the internet.  I now know that the internet can really be a helpful thing and knowing how to work it the right way will really help me in the future.

  Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home

   I am really familiar with Tom Johnson's post because he was my first C4T and I really enjoyed reading his blog post.  His post were always so interesting and informative but he always threw in some type of humor and lets be honest we all need humor in some parts when we are trying to read something that is required.  I think his drill and kill test is very interesting and children should be allowed to bring pencils home.

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life

    My sentence is She changed the lives of hundreds of children by teaching them to love learning and be a life long learner thought great enthusiasm for teaching and seeing the lives of children change.

This video really makes you think about the things you have done and accomplished.  I know that I need to start asking myself if I was better today than yesterday because I never really sit down and think about my day and the things I'v done.


  1. Excellent post Brittany!

    I completely agree with what you said about the advantages of smaller class sizes and blogging. I think the blog is the single best thing that is taught in EDM 310. The blog is an outstanding educational tool for students and teachers. From the student's perspective, it is a place to organize everything you do including virtually any multimedia you want. The blog is also a great way for students to hone their expressive writing skills from reporting on what they have done or discovered to reflecting on how things could be enhanced or improved. Student blogs also allow the teacher to keep up with when students have completed assigned work. From the teacher's perspective using a class blog is an excellent course management tool providing a platform for multimodal presentation, dissemination of important course information, and feedback from students. The class blog also provides students a place where they can access anything they need for the course 24/7. SS

  2. I have to agree with what you said in your first video response where you said that without EDM, you would never know all of the different tools that are available. This class has opened my eyes to an entire new world of tools that can be extremely useful to me now and in my future teaching career. I also really like your sentence for the third video response. I definitely think that your enthusiasm for teaching will change the lives of your students. I hope you do well in your teaching future.
